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Welcome to Tzedakah Ministries

Shocking Statistics to Consider:

– 388 Jewish people die every day… 
– 2,718 of God’s Chosen People pass away every week…
– 11,649 of the sons and daughters of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob leave this world every month…
– 141,741 Jewish people die every year…

…without a personal relationship with Messiah Jesus

Information Source: Southern Baptist Convention providing the information that 7,200 people in the world die every hour with the additional information from Wikipedia that the world Jewish population is 0.227%.

When are we as Christians and churches going to do something to stop this tragic reality?

Perhaps a Jewish Evangelism Seminar …

The Jewish Evangelism Seminar — “How to Witness to the Jewish People” — is designed to help take the fear out of Jewish evangelism. “How to Witness” can be presented to a church, small group, or Sunday School class in a seminar format, weekend evangelism retreat or through a one-time church presentation.

If you would like to bring the Jewish Evangelism Seminar to your church or small group, please email info@tzedakahministries.org and let the ministry know.  You may also go to the Church Ministries page and complete the information form. We will be in touch!